$200.00 AUD

Add another day! Choose this if you would like to attend Saturday and Sunday.

Day Pass

Join us for 2 training sessions per day over the weekend - morning and afternoon. You can join on Saturday and/or Sunday. 

After you enter your details on this page you will be prompted to add another day if you want.

BREAKFAST/LUNCH/DINNER ($55 per day for 3 meals) - if you would like to eat Ayurvedic vegetarian meals with us please email [email protected] ASAP. 

What's included in our DAY PASS to Retreat to Nature (Martial Arts Intensive):


  • TRAINING:  2 Kalaripayattu and Zi Ran Men martial art sessions  4.5-5 hours per day - Morning body movement training, Afternoon body movement and weapons training.


*** Please bring your own breakfast and lunch, or you can also head out and return as you like. If you would like to have breakfast/lunch with us please email us ASAP.


*** If you cancel within 1 month of the start of the retreat we will refund 50% of this deposit. Otherwise if within 1 month  (14th June onwards) - it will not be refundable.

**** If for some reason we need to postpone the retreat, due to a natural disaster or unforeseen occurrence, we will let you know and decide on a future date.